Can coffee grains ward off Alzheimer's, Parkinson's and heart disease?
15 April 2015
digestion heart brain homeopathy
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Does cannabis really work as medicine?
25 November 2015
drugs brain mental health
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All you need to know about your pituitary gland
18 September 2016
brain hormones wonder
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All you need to know about the tiny bones in your ear
14 March 2017
bones brain wonder
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Why do we yawn?
13 June 2017
wonder lungs brain pregnancy
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How do anaesthetics affect your body?
20 June 2017
brain surgery
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Debunking some dyslexia myths
27 June 2017
brain genetics
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The impact of illness: Huntington's disease
08 November 2017
genetics brain disability
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Singing could be the key to a healthy life
17 January 2018
brain lungs mental health stroke
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An A to Z of meningitis
13 April 2018
brain infection
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The neuroscience of alcohol
20 April 2018
alcohol brain digestion
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The health benefits of silence - and how it kills
14 July 2018
mental health brain heart ear
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7 things you didn't know about testosterone
14 February 2017
brain cholesterol heart
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How are memories made?
27 December 2018
brain wonder
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The lesser known harms of smoking
22 January 2019
cancer brain heart pregnancy
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How to stop smoking
09 February 2019
drugs lungs brain
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