How does loneliness affect the body
19 December 2016
mental health heart stroke elderly
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All you need to know about HRT
08 March 2017
hormones heart cancer bones drugs
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Are you medically fit to fly?
29 March 2017
lungs mental health heart infection disability
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Can brushing your teeth help you to live longer?
26 April 2017
digestion infection pregnancy heart
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How can you treat heart failure?
23 August 2017
heart drugs surgery exercise
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A woman who changed the world
13 September 2017
heart pregnancy surgery historical
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Blood and organ donation: past, present and future
21 December 2017
blood heart historical kidney
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Vitamin D: the truth behind the headlines
25 January 2018
bones cancer heart lungs disability
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All you need to know about Kawasaki disease
09 February 2018
heart immunity
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A to Z of living with lupus
16 March 2018
heart kidney immunity
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The health benefits of silence - and how it kills
14 July 2018
mental health brain heart ear
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7 things you didn't know about testosterone
14 February 2017
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The lesser known harms of smoking
22 January 2019
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What did Sir Roger Bannister teach us about medicine?
06 January 2020
exercise historical heart
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What could be causing your dizziness?
17 February 2020
brain heart
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